Rowing Classes
Indoor Rowing Classes BPM Row™ BPM stands for “beats per minute” rowing! This fun workout will involve rowing to the beats per minute of the music! Everything goes in this class so come prepared to sweat and burn major calories! We will spend more time focusing on technique which makes it the perfect class for the first-time rower, or the experienced rower who wants to work specifically on improving their form. Row N’ Burn™ Similar to BPM row, this advanced class includes testing yourself for time and/or distance. This class will meet your strengthening goals and will be a great class for weekend warriors and everyday people who want to be fit and strong. Through the use of Olympic rowing workouts and circuit training, Row N’ Burn participants of all levels will see significant changes in their lean-muscle tone and improvement of all physical aspects of their daily lives. Row N' Coach™ Ian will share his pas­sion for rowing and he wants to see [...]