Finding The Right Balance Between The Workout-To-Recovery Ratio
When you begin a new workout routine you always need to remember to pace yourself with the workouts. The most common mistake I see in the fitness world is people coming in to a workout routine at full blast and doing way too much too soon. You will also have to remember that there has to be a 'little pain for a little gain' in strength gain when starting new workouts. Be patient in the beginning and take it by stride. Body at rest.. stays at rest. Bodies in motion, stay in motion! Simple as that... In my experience training on the U.S. National Rowing Team from 2002-2006 I trained hard everyday for 3-5 hours with almost no time off. The mentality was that more is better. More weights, more racing, more physical testing on the rowing machines, more time practicing and training. I found that when I moved home from Princeton, N.J. to train during the winter months that I actually gained more strength and confidence by training less. It was finding that right [...]