Top 10 Mistakes And How To Correct Them For The Triathlon Swim
If you are like me and don't have a background in swimming you will need all the help you can get and I have done enough Ironman and triathlon competitions around the world to give you the advice you need in order to get through your first race. Throughout 9 Full Ironman events worldwide including Nice, France, Florianopolis, Brazil, Cozumel, Mexico, Cairns, Australia, Mallorca, Spain, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Santa Rosa, California, Kalmar, Sweden, And Vichy, France I have experienced almost everything that can go wrong in an Ironman swim. From panic attacks, jelly fish, strong currents, freezing water, being elbowed, being kicked, equipment malfunction, blinded by the sun, and more I have experienced it throughout the past 10 years and over 100 triathlons raced. Below are the top 10 tips to get through the swim portion of any distance triathlon the most efficient and comfortable way possible. You Bring The Wrong Race Suit Plan out and bring a couple of [...]