Video Games and Health: Removing the Social Stigma of Intellectual Laziness
Health and fitness enthusiasts often express concern about the increasing number of people who spend more time playing video games rather than doing squats and bench presses in the gym. This is a valid concern, but many fail to realize that health and fitness is not only physical. It should also include cognitive health and psychological health, which is usually overlooked. It should be remembered that health and fitness must be holistic. The problem with today is that people tend to stereotype – those who spend more time in the gym are the healthy ones while those who spend the same amount of time playing video games are the “unhealthy” ones. Shocking as it may seem, the latest research conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) about the effect of video games on health and learning, says otherwise. The research entitled, “The Benefits of Playing Video Games” by Dr. Isabela Granic states that those who play video games manifest an [...]