3 Numbers And A Power Curve That Will Make You a Better Rower
This blog will review how to use 3 distinct numbers on the Concept 2 monitor as well as how to use and measure the power curve application. Watts – A unit of power. The higher the watts… the more energy you are producing in each stroke. Watts should be used for both new and experienced individuals as it is easy to understand and can be a very effective tool to find precise power and consistency with each stroke. A good first goal for individuals that are new to the sport of rowing is to hold your body weight in pounds in watts. The next goal would be to consistently hold the watts at your body-weight for every stroke during a 1 minute piece and then 2 minutes and so on. The watts can go higher as the individual gets stronger and more affluent with the rowing technique. The higher the watts… the more calories you burn and the faster you go! To give some perspective on how physically challenging rowing is, Olympic rowers are usually able to hold nearly 3 [...]