The Concept 2, Simply The Best Rowing Machine In The World!
U.S. Marines, Extreme Athletes.... Even Astronauts Use The Concept 2!!! CONCEPT2 IS BUILT MARINE TOUGH... Before I write about my 2nd segment on my 8-Part series. I wanted to discuss how great the Concept 2 Rowing machine really is considering that the second person I will be writing about has the current World Record for a 2000 meter race on the Concept 2. Rob Waddell (2000 Olympic Gold medalist in the single sculls and current Overall World Champion Record Holder for having the FASTEST time EVER for a 2,000 meter race on a Concept 2 Rowing Machine... 5:36). No matter what anyone says, the fact is every single Olympic/National Rowing Team around the World uses the Concept 2 rowing machine for endurance training and physical testing. It is by far the best and most reliable rowing machine on the market. Here are a few other programs and organizations besides the rowing world that use the Concept 2. US Marines Utilize Indoor Rower as Part of “Combat [...]