Exercise In The Morning vs. Night
Over the past few years I have come across various ideas that working out in the morning is better for you than at night and/or the other way around. The answer in my opinion is whenever you can make the time to work out and whatever can fit your schedule than make sure you make that time for fitness. Whether you are a morning person or a night owl, it's ultimately the fact that you decide what fits your schedule for fitness and that makes the best time to fit your needs. For most hardworking individuals, there are only a few “time slots” available each day to fit in a workout. These usually occur in the morning before work, or in evening after work. Interestingly, different physiological and psychological effects seem to occur based on the timing of a training session within the day. Listed below are some of the specific benefits associated with both a morning and evening workout. Morning workout: - Habitual training in the morning seems to allow for [...]