Fitness Is A Lifestyle…Not A Luxury
Who has the time to workout, train, and be disciplined on fitness on their own? Studies show that we are motivated to work harder, show up more often, and push further past our perceived limits when training in a group. The results of one study suggest that endorphin release is significantly greater in group training than in individual training; this seems to be the case even when the individual’s power output, or physical exertion, is the same. Not only is it more fun to exercise with others, but it is safer and more efficient to exercise under the leadership of a good coach. With the help of our amazing instructors you are sure to have a great time in any of our four class programs that we have to offer. Central to the Roworx philosophy is our focus on teaching an efficient, safe rowing stroke in a group setting. Anyone can get a workout by moving back and forth on a rowing machine. At Roworx Fitness, you will learn to use the machines the way Olympic [...]