How To Avoid Burning Out With Your Exercise Routine
It's easy to get down when you're tired, busy and stressed. If you're training for a marathon or another event, and have other commitments like a job and family, you've probably experienced some version of a 'burnout'. Your body operates in waves of ups and downs and knowing how to roll with it takes patience and understanding. Take a moment and ask yourself these 5 questions below that are some important aspects in life that are in your control. 1. Are you drinking enough water and staying hydrated? Every cell in your body is connected and if you can improve your cellular health you can make dramatic positive changes in your appearance and even slow the aging process. Dehydration is somewhat insidious. You can't always tell when it's starting. We don't really have a 'fuel gauge' like your car, so there is no way to tell if you're full or even approaching empty, and thirst is typically a poor guide. Early signs of dehydration may include poor [...]