Jack Nunn Leads Cycling Classes With The Evo Fitness Bike At IHRSA 2012
Evo Fitness Bike at IHRSA 2012 On February 23, 2012 (Costa Mesa, CA) - IHRSA, the International Health, Racquet & Sports Club Association, was holding an expo and trade show in Downtown Los Angeles on March 14-17, 2012. Relay Fitness Systems is one of three hundred exhibitors that will be on hand displaying and demonstrating the latest commercial fitness gear, including the commercial Evo Fitness Bike cx and mx models. “This will be the first opportunity for the public to see the brand new commercial versions of the Evo Fitness Bike,” stated Marko Vujicic, CEO of the Relay Fitness Group and former designer/ employee at Star Trac which produces the well-known popular Spinner bikes. Marco asked me, Jack Nunn, to head the EVO Fitness Indoor Cycle Program in order to show everyone that you don't just have to be a cyclist to enjoy the positive effects of indoor cycling fitness. I believe in cross-training in multiple activities in order to accomplish your [...]