Rowing/Ski-Erg Foundations And Speedwork Seminar Offered For CrossFit Games, Fitness Centers, And Others Held At Roworx
After being involved with the fitness industry for more than 10 years I realize there is a huge need for more intensive rowing technique among Crossfit members and other competitive athletes. Hundreds of Crossfit gyms across the nation use the Concept 2 Rowing Machine in order to improve strength, conditioning, and speed for better results in the Crossfit Games. The 'White Board' in every Crossfit gym is used to measure speedwork for shorter distances on the Concept 2 with the use of 500, 1,000 and 2,000 meter times. I want to open up my training, conditioning, and training secrets to the world of CrossFit's and beyond in order for you to get faster times and results on the rowing machine. Nearly every year for the past 15 years I have raced the 2,000 meter standard distance indoor virtual rowing race on the Concept 2 rowing machine with times ranging from 5:57 to 6:08 on my slowest day. I will teach you how to maximize your rowing workouts in order to [...]