Take Juice Plus And Live Longer While Eating More Fruits, Vegetables, And Berries
If you’re looking for another reason to eat more fruits, vegetables, and berries look no further than to take Juice Plus every single day! In an effort to understand more of the relationship between the uptake in consumption of fruits, vegetables, and berries there was a massive study done in Europe with a sample self-administered questioner in involving over 100,000 people. Participants between the ages of 40-85 were asked about their daily intake of fruits, vegetables, and berries among other health related questions. During the next 15 years following the study there were nearly 12,000 deaths. Individuals consuming 5 or more servings of fruits, vegetables, and berries a day had a much lower morality rate than those who did not consume at least 5 a day. The lowest group of people that consumed the least fruits, vegetables, and berries per day over a three year period had a 55% more chance of death than those who consumed at least 5 or more servings per [...]