The Difference Between Low-Impact And High-Impact Exercises
Roworx Offers The Best Low-Impact Group Personal Training Workouts. Period! You may have come across lots of articles and discussions about the benefits of high-impact and low-impact exercises, but what do these exercises mean to you? Roworx believes in providing you with extremely experienced, energetic, knowledgeable instructors. We believe that you will see results sooner and prevent injury by maintaining efficient, safe technique. We believe that if you are having fun and engaging your mind as well as your body, you will be more consistent with your exercise plan and you will get fitter sooner. And we believe there are no better exercises than the low-impact, calorie-burning, workouts with Indoor Rowing, EVO Cycling, Bootcamp, Yoga, and Zumba Classes! Low-impact activities are easier on the body and involve exercises where one foot remains in contact with the ground and/or machine. Inside the boathouse and studio/warehouse studios, anyone can take the [...]