The Negative Effects Of Sitting All Day
According to a recent study adults who sit for 10 plus hours a day have more than a 40% increased rate of dying sooner than those who sit less than 3 hours a day! 'Bodies at rest...stay at rest. Bodies in motion.. stay in motion.' Exercise and phsical activity has tremendous positive effects however, exercise alone does not necessarily protect you from the negative effects of prolonged inactivity and/or sitting around all day. The health benefits aerobic exercise include lowering the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes, and helping get a better night's sleep. *A primary key to avoid a sedentary lifestyle is to stay fit as as long as possible throughout your life. If kids start sports at a young age, they become accustomed to regular practices and competition and less likely to play video games and watch t.v. all day. An active lifestyle becomes a physically active routine that can carry on to adult life. The longer an individual is involved in [...]