Top 10 Core Workouts For Any Athlete
No way around it... if you want a strong core and body you will have to work for it in more ways than one. Try these top 10 core workouts to get a jump start into your training routine and get back in the game with your training regime. Take healthy back and strengthen your core to support the rest of your body to avoid injury and be a better all around athlete. You can add these various core exercises into your fitness routine 3 times per week for at least 30 minutes after you are done with your cardio training. You will be sore if you are not use to these exercises so make sure to be patient and stay with the process as you will eventually find it easier and gain strength and confidence to implement these exercises everyday. 1. Sit Up Rowers Sit tall on the mat with your knees bent by your chest and your hands at your sides. Lie down with your knees bent and your palms facing down. Exhale and raise your head and shoulders off the mat. Vigorously pump your [...]