Try A Spinning Class At Roworx
On the Inside Looking Out: How to Use Indoor Cycling to Become a Better Outdoor Cyclist Published in City Sports Washington and City Sports Florida, March, 2000, then later in City Sports and Competitor California. I can totally relate to this article from my own training when I completed my first Ironman in Nice, France in 2008 and my second Ironman in Florianopolis, Brazil in 2009. Approximately 90% of my cycling training was on the Spinning bike! Also, while training at Cal Berkeley on the Men's Varsity Crew Team a group of us took up cycling as a perfect way to cross-train for rowing. Jake Wetzel, my former teammate at Berkeley, was recruited to row from the Canadian National Cycling Team and several years later ended up winning several Olympic Medals in rowing, Silver Medal in 2004 Athens, and a Gold Medal in 2008 Beijing. He explained to all of us that throughout his childhood and training as a cyclist, it was a direct cross-over to rowing. This [...]