What to Bring to a Triathlon
Sara Randolph walks you through what to bring to a triathlon. The information below is based on my racing and training experiences - many aspects of triathlon are athlete specific, but I hope these tips provide you some guidance as you find what works best for you. Pre-Race Packing List Instant Oatmeal Bagel Peanut Butter Knife & Spoon 2-3 extra ziplock bags (usually sandwich size and gallon size) Pre-portioned Electrolyte Drink in a ziplock bag Disposable water bottle GPS (Garmin) Watch (if you use this during your race) Timing Chip/Chip Strap (usually provided in your race packet) Safety pin Tri top and tri shorts Women: Bathing suit (if not wetsuit legal) Flip Flops Sunscreen Breakfast If you are doing a race away from home, try to choose something that’s easy to prepare in a hotel room. I usually bring instant oatmeal, a bagel, and a travel size peanut butter. There are many other options for breakfast, but I’ve been eating this oatmeal for about [...]