Roworx Indoor Rowing in Long Beach

Why Do New Years Eve Fitness Resolutions Often Fail?

After being in and around the fitness industry for the last 15 years I have noticed something that happens every year around March and on into Spring time. Fitness goals that were set back in December and January are now dwindling and holidays like St. Patty’s Day are almost being designed to derail you from accomplishing your fitness and health goals for the new year.

TriWorx Triathlon Training Crew

Top 5 Positive Aspects Of Exercise

Exercise isn’t just for burning calories as regular physical activity also plays an important role in mental acuity and cognitive function which can help support a positive outlook on life and promote longevity. The best physical exercises are the types that offer full body engagement such as swimming, cross country skiing, and rowing.

The Power of Fitness

Top 10 Mistakes And How To Correct Them For The Triathlon Swim

If you are like me and don’t have a background in swimming you will need all the help you can get and I have done enough Ironman and triathlon competitions around the world to give you the advice you need in order to get through your first race. Throughout 9 Full Ironman events worldwide including Nice, France, Florianopolis, Brazil, Cozumel, Mexico, Cairns, Australia, Mallorca, Spain, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Santa Rosa, California, Kalmar, Sweden, And Vichy, France I have experienced almost everything that can go wrong in an Ironman swim.


Address | 5750 Boathouse Lane, Long Beach
Telephone | (562) 688-1716
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Red Ace Organics | 20% Off Code: Roworx
Kramp Krushers | 20% Off Code: Roworx
Rudy Project | 50% Off Code: Roworx
Honey Stinger
Triathlon Lab