Join A Roworx Indoor Rowing Class And Reinvigorate Your Old Workout
Tired of the same-old solitary workout? Perhaps it’s time to try something new. A group class can reinvigorate your workout by motivating you to push through a fitness plateau or inviting you to join the camaraderie of kindred spirits. If you’re ready to join the fun, then a rowing class is a perfect solution.
A rowing class adds a social element to what is already an effective, healthy workout. Whether you’re new to rowing, or an experienced oarsmen, being in a group environment helps tremendously. The members of the group can lend motivation and encouragement as you work towards your fitness goals. You say to yourself that if they can do it, so can you, and you would be exactly right. Rowing is a total-body sport which builds both cardiovascular endurance and strength through repetitive resistance training. Few other sports can provide the total body benefit that rowing does. Rowers create their own resistance on the machine, and your class will be as intense as you want it to be. Anyone can do it! You row at your own pressure/resistance. Our instructors will make sure that you are on pace with the group, and will take you through various workouts. A basic 45 minute workout includes a warm-up, a few drills for technique, the “body” of the work (i.e. intervals, short races, or pyramids), and a cool down.
Take a look at the Roworx class schedule to find a rowing class that’s right for you.
Tags: Concept 2 Rowing Machine, Indoor Rowing Class, Jack Nunn, Long beach fitness class, Roworx, Seal beach fitness class