Ironman Kalmar, Sweden 2016 Race Report
Ironman 140.6 Kalmar, Sweden is a model of how every major Ironman should be: fun, historical, flat, and beautiful. And the fan base…WOW!
Ironman 140.6 Kalmar, Sweden is a model of how every major Ironman should be: fun, historical, flat, and beautiful. And the fan base…WOW!
Ironman Vineman: A Legacy Of Tradition And Now The Future Of Ironman Events
Over the last couple years I have heard more and more people talking about the Vineman race in Sonoma county and now since Ironman took it over and bought the rights to the race in 2016 I decided to be one of the first athletes to sign up. Ironically this would be my first full Ironman race on U.S. soil as the previous six Ironmans I competed in took part overseas and in Mexico.
From Organic Spa Magazine June 2016 Issue
By Rona Berg
Over the years I have taken many different kinds of supplements and I’m always looking for that natural edge to help push me beyond my limits.
The Concept 2 indoor rowing machine is the perfect total body and low impact workout. The rowing motion works more muscle groups and joints through a very wide range of motion than any other exercise.
Rowing is getting popular in gyms across the country, unfortunately out of all of the indoor rowing classes I have taught over the past 10 years a lot of people are making this one mistake.
From Rolling Hills Magazine February Issue 2016
Jack Nunn, an accomplished rower who has won numerous medals in various events on the international rowing stage, was recently hired as the head men’s varsity coach within the LMU rowing program and will begin his first year with the Lions in 2015-16.
Classes will start next week… Tuesday January 11th at the Warehouse at 7:15am AND Saturday’s at 8am!!!
Building your rowing strength and endurance…not to mention burn major calories and tighten all those areas you worry about! This workout will featuring many different workouts and stations rotating from one exercise to another, better known as circuit training. Come try a class, you won’t regret it and neither will your body! Boot Camp will be included with your membership.
On Tuesday, January 11, 2011, Jack Nunn Welcomes Everyone to the Roworx Rowing Warehouse for the first Wellness Presentation of 2011 “A Fresh Look at Your New Years Decisions & Commitments”
Get the hype and trendy myths out of the way!!!! Then come and see the truth about how much control we have over our longevity and wellbeing. Are you planning on doing the same things, but expecting different results? Make the necessary changes and base your decisions on the facts.