Secrets On How To Select The Best Music For Your Indoor Cycling Classes

Start Your Own Evo Indoor Cycling Studio
Have you thought about opening your own Indoor Cycling Studio? The Relay Fitness Group and Jack Nunn can help. Even if you already own a cycling, yoga, and or fitness studio we have the resources to better streamline your business while reducing costs and building class sizes at the same time! Relay Fitness has proven solutions and a quality brand with the Evo Indoor Cycling Bike that will simply improve your profit without all the maintenance of traditional indoor bikes. If you’ve instructed a cycling class for any amount of time, you’ve probably run into a situation where one of your indoor cycles was out of commission due to a faulty component. If your class is full, that missing bike means one less person enjoying your killer indoor cycling session!
Many fitness club owners think that simply getting new members is the most important aspect when it comes to marketing. However did you know that you can nearly double your income per member simply focusing on retaining the members you already have and encouraging them to invest in effective nutritional products or services that you sell?
Retaining your existing members instead of trying to obtain new members is very important when it comes to being a successful cycling program. I personally use a ‘Fitness & Nutrition’ approach when it comes to accomplishing a clients personal health goals. Protein powders and whole food based concentrated food supplements added alongside a fitness routine can get your members to see their overall fitness and health goals come true sooner! Exceptional customer service involves more than just employing a friendly staff. You must consistently meet and exceed your clients’ needs. Survey your members periodically to make sure you are succeeding, and then develop a customer satisfaction package based on their feedback. Contact me here on more advice on hoe to address individual fitness needs and goals in order to provide an initial fitness assessment and extensive orientation to each of your members. The orientation shouldn’t be just a walk around the gym and locker room, but rather a comprehensive equipment and technique demonstration. This will prevent injuries and encourage members to use unfamiliar equipment.
Throughout this past year I made a commitment to myself to start eating better and give my body the right nutrition it needs in order to run Roworx as a business and teach nearly 3 classes a day.. everyday!
Over the past 10 years while teaching over 5,000 hours of indoor cycling classes throughout various fitness facilities across the U.S. I have found that in order to get the best workout on a bike you must have the right technique whether you are cycling indoors and or outdoors. Cross-training on the indoor bike has had added many positive effects to my training for two international Ironman’s in Nice, France and Florianopolis, Brazil over the past couple of years. I owe it to cycling for getting my body into the best shape of my life and improving muscle endurance throughout my legs and core. My father, John Nunn also used cycling as a perfect way to crosstrain for the Olympics in 1968 while winning a bronze medal in rowing. John also discusses the importance that indoor cycling bikes that offer the perfect cross training exercises with all the training benefits of road cycling and without the risks of crash injuries. The indoor cycling ‘boom’ hit in the late 1980’s and early 90’s with the emergeance of the ‘spin class.’ Since then almost every single fitness machine manufacturer has developed am indoor bicycle. Indoor and outdoor cycling have become so popular because nearly everyone knows how to ride a bike and the leg drive on a bicycle is a relatively simple process. You may either pedal with greater force, more pedal velocity along with resistance in gears or brake, or both to achieve greater speed and power. In order to accomplish this you must first transfer your body’s energy to the pedals. How much of this energy you transfer is determined by your efficiency and technique during the pedal stroke. There are many ways to increase power and efficiency. It is possible to be a fit and powerful athlete, but not necessarily a fast one if you are inefficient.
The EVO Indoor Cycling Bike is very unique from the rest of the indoor bikes on the market in that it engages the whole body while cycling in and out of the seat while riding just as a real outdoor bike experience would be on the open road. Some cyclists would say that the less sway the better, however, the act of throwing every ounce of leverage, weight, and power into the pedals and movement side to side is the visible result of trying that hard to move forward when riding outdoors. If you could stay absolutely still, and input the same amount of force to the pedal, then more of that energy would go to moving forward, but it’s physiologically it is very difficult. It’s a matter of balance and leverage.
Further, there is a mechanical advantage to be had in terms of body mechanics by swaying the bike and it lets the cyclist apply a bit more force than if the bike remained straight. The swaying motion from side to side will allow the cyclist to use more of his arm strength than would otherwise be the case. Being able to use your full body weight in a sprint has its advantages, and that’s one reason they shift the bike back and forth under them to ‘throw’ their body weight down on alternate legs side to side creates momentum and speed. They quite simply must sway the bike back and forth because of the mechanical reality of the situation. It’s not even really a conscious act and if a rider didn’t do this, the bike would fall out from under them. Sometimes you will actually see someone move a traditional indoor cycling bike off the ground from side to side and hop around the floor in class. These riders are applying extreme power to each pedal. Since the pedals are not centered laterally, applying a large force to the right pedal for instance will apply a rotational force that pushes the top of the bike to the right and the bottom of the bike to the left. Without this counterbalancing motion, they would quite literally kick the wheel to the side out from under them. By ‘swaying’ the bike in the opposite direction, they increase the amount of force on the legs and core that can be applied to the pedals without crashing. It is an intuitive motion that happens completely automatically to any rider from novice to advanced. For a quick mental picture, imagine somebody swaying in the same direction as the pedal being pushed. For instance, somebody leaning the bike to the right while they apply a large force to the right pedal. The rotational force would rotate the bicycle clockwise, lifting the wheel off the ground. Not something you want to happen, especially at sprinting speeds and especially in a classroom setting. For a great example how this technique comes into play in real road cycling watch any Tour De France finish line approach. It’s incredibly intense and you can see how hard everyone sprints and works the whole body in order to get through the finish first. Legs, lungs, muscle endurance, and core play a massive role in the use of the Evo Bike!
Roworx In Long Beach Have Just Received 15 NEW EVO ix Indoor Cycling Bikes! Jump Into Your First FREE Class At The Roworx Studio/Warehouse In Long Beach With The First Ever EVO Indoor Cycling Program In The Nation! Listed Below Are The Top 5 Indoor Cycling Exercises That I Have Experienced To Be The Most Effective Exercises Throughout My 10 Year Cycling Instructor Career. The EVO Cycling Classes Are Already Adding To The Extremely Effective Value Of High-End Indoor Fitness Classes in Long Beach. Indoor Rowing, Bootcamp, Zumba, and TRX Classes Are Offered By Roworx In Order To Accomplish Your Fitness Goals Sooner! Follow These Exercises To Get The Most Out Of Your Indoor Cycling Workouts! I Highly Recommend the EVO Bike Because Of It’s Real-Time Cycling Feel And Low Maintenance Costs For Fitness Club Owners.
Ever since I could remember, I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps as an Olympian. My father, John Nunn, won a bronze medal in rowing at the 1968 Olympic Games held in Mexico City. He was also the Head Coach for the Men’s Olympic Rowing Team for the United States in the 1976 Olympic Games held in Montreal.
Evo Fitness Bike at IHRSA 2012
On February 23, 2012 (Costa Mesa, CA) – IHRSA, the International Health, Racquet & Sports Club Association, was holding an expo and trade show in Downtown Los Angeles on March 14-17, 2012. Relay Fitness Systems is one of three hundred exhibitors that will be on hand displaying and demonstrating the latest commercial fitness gear, including the commercial Evo Fitness Bike cx and mx models. “This will be the first opportunity for the public to see the brand new commercial versions of the Evo Fitness Bike,” stated Marko Vujicic, CEO of the Relay Fitness Group and former designer/ employee at Star Trac which produces the well-known popular Spinner bikes. Marco asked me, Jack Nunn, to head the EVO Fitness Indoor Cycle Program in order to show everyone that you don’t just have to be a cyclist to enjoy the positive effects of indoor cycling fitness.
At The Roworx Studio/ Warehouse Located In Long Beach At 1347 Loma Ave, We Hold A Monthly FREE Nutrition Health & Welness Seminar! An Hour Of Power Every Month For Anyone Who Wants To Come Together And Learn Which Foods Are Causing Inflammation (the silent killer) And Which Foods Are Anti-Inflammatory. In These One Hour, Per Month Seminars You Gain More Knowlege And Experience About The Science Of Food And How It Can Make A Difference In Your Beauty, Vitality, And Overall Wellness. Every Time You Come To These Seminars We Try To Convey Cutting Edge Knowlege About Food As Am ‘Easy To Make’ Green Recipe. We Make FREE Nutrition Shakes With The ‘Green’ Smoothie Of The Month And Most Of All An Empowered Feeling Of High Energy, Motivation, And Knowlege To Take On A Better Lifestyle!
*Reminder!!! Right After Every Monday, Wednesday, And Friday Indoor Rowing Class At The 9:30AM Studio/ Warehouse Roworx Management Serves Up FREE Nutritional Shakes!
FORKS OVER KNIVES MOVIE: A tale of two doctors, many cows and a multitude of human ailments, Lee Fulkerson’s “Forks Over Knives” makes a pedantic yet persuasive case for banishing meat and dairy from the dinner table. They make the argument that most of our major health issues — including heart disease, cancer and diabetes can be prevented (and even in some cases reversed) by following a vegetables-and-whole-grains diet, this dense documentary would rather inform than entertain. Its hale heroes are the nutritional scientist T. Colin Campbell and the surgeon Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., (An Olympic Gold Medalist For The U.S. Rowing Team In 1956) whose combined decades of research into the harmful effects of animal proteins are summarized, along with a potted history of our worldwide dietary decline.
*Roworx Will Have Several Copies Of The Movie: Forks Over Knives For Use For Our Members To Watch At The Studio/ Warehouse Facility!
The New And Exciting Tower Garden By Juice Plus Was Also Introduced At The Seminar And Will Show How You Can Grow Your Own Fruits, Vegetables, Berries, And Much More Inside Or Outside Your Own Home. It Will Be As If You Have Your Own Farmers Market In Your Backyard!!!