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Jack Nunn

Jack Nunn is the head trainer and owner of Roworx. Jack is a former national team rower who has competed in more than 100 triathlons, including 9 full Ironmans. He has created a system of rowing that prepares the whole body for both competition and fitness longevity.

The Negative Effects Of Sitting All Day

According to a recent study adults who sit for 10 plus hours a day have more than a 40% increased rate of dying sooner than those who sit less than 3 hours a day! ‘Bodies at rest…stay at rest. Bodies in motion.. stay in motion.’ Exercise and phsical activity has tremendous positive effects however, exercise alone does not necessarily protect you from the negative effects of prolonged inactivity and/or sitting around all day. The health benefits aerobic exercise include lowering the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes, and helping get a better night’s sleep.

*A primary key to avoid a sedentary lifestyle is to stay fit as as long as possible throughout your life. If kids start sports at a young age, they become accustomed to regular practices and competition and less likely to play video games and watch t.v. all day. An active lifestyle becomes a physically active routine that can carry on to adult life. The longer an individual is involved in organized athletics the easier it is to keep going after high school and college. There are many sports options. Pick ones that are fun and participate regularly.

Roworx Is One Of The Official Venues For The 2012 Concept 2 SkiErg World Sprints

2012 SkiErg World Sprints

Mark your calendars:

The 4th Annual SkiErg World Sprints will be held November 9–11, 2012. Roworx will be an official satellite location for the Concept 2 Ski Erg Sprints. Practice you skiing skills and times fat the Roworx Warehouse/Studio during class or email me for time slot and appointment at from now until November 12th in order to get your personal best time!

The Difference Between Low-Impact And High-Impact Exercises

Roworx Offers The Best Low-Impact Group Personal Training Workouts. Period!

You may have come across lots of articles and discussions about the benefits of high-impact and low-impact exercises, but what do these exercises mean to you?

Roworx believes in providing you with extremely experienced, energetic, knowledgeable instructors. We believe that you will see results sooner and prevent injury by maintaining efficient, safe technique. We believe that if you are having fun and engaging your mind as well as your body, you will be more consistent with your exercise plan and you will get fitter sooner. And we believe there are no better exercises than the low-impact, calorie-burning, workouts with Indoor Rowing, EVO Cycling, Bootcamp, Yoga, and Zumba Classes! Low-impact activities are easier on the body and involve exercises where one foot remains in contact with the ground and/or machine.

Burn 1000 Calories With A Highly Intensity Interval Training Workout With Just A Jump Rope

The humble jump rope has been a fantastic method of metabolic (CV) conditioning working for hundreds of years. It can easily be incorporated into to any workout to help tone muscles all over body while improving coordination which you will benefit from across your subsequent exercises. Not to be ignored in anyone’s routine, jumping can burn up to around 1000 calories per hour. This makes it a great workout if you are looking to undertake highly intensity interval training to lose weight, as the cardio is performed at such an intense level that your body will spend the rest of the day expending energy to recover from the ass-kicking you gave it. Jump rope is one of the most efficient workouts possible and I believe that once you get proficient in your technique in the gym you can be the most diverse CV workouts. When looking at adding jumping into your routine consider using it at the start of your warm up or as the main focus of a conditioning session, this is a great group exercise and it can be done both inside and outside of the gym as it’s both portable and affordable. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a professional builder the rope can be taken on business trips, vacations and even to your gym. As soon as you hear the word jump rope you may quickly jump to the conclusion that it will be easy to master, however learning to jump correctly can take a little time however the key is to be patient and slow the movement down until you are comfortable with the fundamental mechanics. The next step is to start to increase the speed and keep as much weight on your toes as possible so you have a quick bouncy contact with the surface from which you do not need to jump too high. Remember that when getting started it’s vital that your jump rope should come up to your arm-pits when measured from the ground to guarantee it is the correct length to maximise the efficiency of your workout.

Here is a great 15 minute jump rope work out for any beginners want to get in to HIW :

 Find a clear space in your home or gym and ensure you are positioned on a suitable surface. Once you have done this ensure you have a stopwatch or you are located near a clock so you can regularly check the time. Then begin

– To warm up jump the rope for 3 minutes, try to find a comfortable speed that helps you fine-tune your technique

– Rest for 30 seconds

– Now jump the rope as quickly as possible for60 seconds

– Then rest again for 30 seconds

– Jump Rope as quickly as possible for 60 seconds

– Rest for 30 seconds

– Then repeat this alternating pattern for 15 minutes.

 When starting out remember that if you are finding the HIW work out to difficult you can increase and decrease the times of intense jumping. An example of this is if you are finding it too easy, increase the duration of your work out from 60 seconds to 90 seconds and/or shorten the rest periods to manipulate the intensity of the workout. Remember that the jump rope is a great starting place for beginners when looking to undertake a HIW, once you have mastered the jump rope try move on to more difficult gym equipment to help you get a varied and mixed workout. If you hate 60 minute’s runs then remember that jumping rope is a great alternative and it doesn’t require you to run around the block for miles or kill yourself on the treadmill. Give this interval style workout a try 2-3 times per week and your fitness will go through the roof while you shed that unwanted weight.

Make sure that along with any workout such as the Jump rope that nutrition plays a huge part in overall fitness goals! These days people are always looking for the easy way out and once things get tough they usually quit or move in another direction in life. An individual will not really get anywhere unless they become established and put the time in to get things done. If you keep changing things throughout your life with fitness and nutrition and not sticking to the program it will be very difficult to accomplish your goals. As we move 6 months into 2012 ask yourself how your new year’s resolutions are going if you have really stuck to them or not. It’s never too late to get the right nutrition and fitness plan started.

Contact me HERE for any questions about how to Jumprope AND ‘Jumpstart’ your nutrition and training plans! If you have any questions regarding personal training, one-on-one rowing help, or Ironman Triathlon Training you can reach me here and we can work on a training plan together.


Rowing/Ski-Erg Foundations And Speedwork Seminar Offered For CrossFit Games, Fitness Centers, And Others Held At Roworx

After being involved with the fitness industry for more than 10 years I realize there is a huge need for more intensive rowing technique among Crossfit members and other competitive athletes. Hundreds of Crossfit gyms across the nation use the Concept 2 Rowing Machine in order to improve strength, conditioning, and speed for better results in the Crossfit Games. The ‘White Board’ in every Crossfit gym is used to measure speedwork for shorter distances on the Concept 2 with the use of 500, 1,000 and 2,000 meter times. I want to open up my training, conditioning, and training secrets to the world of CrossFit’s and beyond in order for you to get faster times and results on the rowing machine. Nearly every year for the past 15 years I have raced the 2,000 meter standard distance indoor virtual rowing race on the Concept 2 rowing machine with times ranging from 5:57 to 6:08 on my slowest day. I will teach you how to maximize your rowing workouts in order to get the fastest times possible on the Concept 2 rowing machine!


Address | 5750 Boathouse Lane, Long Beach
Telephone | (562) 688-1716
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Red Ace Organics | 20% Off Code: Roworx
Kramp Krushers | 20% Off Code: Roworx
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