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Jack Nunn

Jack Nunn is the head trainer and owner of Roworx. Jack is a former national team rower who has competed in more than 100 triathlons, including 9 full Ironmans. He has created a system of rowing that prepares the whole body for both competition and fitness longevity.

Rise To The Challenge And Stay Active To Beat Obesity

Since I was young all I know and have been introduced to has been surrounded around sports. Growing up I played every sport imaginable and loved the challenge of what every sport had to offer. I realized I had more endurance than most other kids and athletes so I stuck with the sports involved in those areas. Rowing and long distance triathlons were going to be the sports that I would be involved in for a long time. The influence my parents had on me was very powerful and influential in many ways in both school and sports. My mother was always more on the academic side as my father always chose sports over academics. My father still expected good academics but if there was a sporting event, game, and/or practice that would take precedence. The fight to finish school and competitions became ingrained in me and if I ever wanted to quit early I would always here my mother’s words ‘If your going to do something… whatever it is. Do it the right way and finish it to the best of your ability.’ Make sure to stay involved with what your children are doing and try to balance out their lifestyles and give them just the right amount of advice. Even Though my father, John Nunn, was an Olympic Bronze Medalist 68′ in rowing and was the head Olympic Men’s Rowing coach 76′, he never once told me or forced me to row. He always asked me what I wanted to do and what made me happy. I played soccer, baseball, ice hockey, tennis, basketball, and surfed before I was a rower and got a scholarship to row at UC Berkeley. Make sure to stay active with your children and ask them as well as yourself what activities and sports make you happy. What do you like to do? When I made the decision to quit baseball and soccer at the same time my father told me that was fine but that I had to find something else to do or get a full-time job. I asked him at that point, 16 yrs of age, ‘How about that rowing program down in Long Beach?’ He jumped up out of his chair and the rest was history 😉

The ABCs of Beating Obesity

Obesity is so entrenched in the U.S. that it would take an intense push by schools, employers, doctors and others to reverse an epidemic that accounts for billions of dollars in annual health-care costs, concluded a report released Tuesday. But the challenge lies in making such changes. Many of the recommendations in the report have been advocated for years—including in previous IOM reports—yet opposition to recommendations has prevented many from being put into place, particularly at the federal level. While several cities and states have considered excise taxes on sugared drinks in recent years, for example, the beverage industry has spent millions of dollars lobbying and advertising against them. All have eventually been defeated thus far. The Obama administration put the fight against childhood obesity on center stage with first lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign, and promoted a nutritional overhaul of subsidized school lunches to include more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. This year the ‘My Food Plate’ took the new look over the ‘Food Pyramid’ and is changing the way Americans and the World is looking at good nutrition. It also pushed to remove unhealthy foods from schools. But Congress blocked the administration effort to push pizza off the lunch tray, in part because it typically has some ingredients considered vegetables. Meanwhile, a working group of four federal agencies set up in 2009 to devise voluntary nutrition standards for foods and beverages marketed to children remains in limbo, amid objections from lawmakers and food marketers. The problem is not coming up with good ideas about what to do about obesity, it’s about actually doing carrying through with them and making it stay for the long run.


The IOM report was released at a “Weight of the Nation” conference in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and comes as rates of obesity in the U.S. have generally leveled off in the past decade among both children and adults. But two-thirds of Americans are still overweight or obese, and the number of people who are severely obese has continued to rise. It isn’t clear where the epidemic is headed. A study published Monday in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine predicted that 42% of the U.S. population will be obese in 2030. In 2009-2010, 35.7% of adults and 16.9% of children were obese, according to CDC data. One factor that concerns public-health officials is how many of today’s more than 12.5 million obese children will remain obese as adults. Also of concern are rising health-care costs, as obesity is linked with costly chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Estimates vary widely as to the cost of obesity-related illnesses; the IOM said it runs to $190.2 billion annually. Scientists have known for some time that sedentary people are at increased risk of developing heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. But they haven’t fully understood why, in part because studying the effects of sedentary behavior isn’t easy. People who are inactive may also be obese, eat poorly or face other lifestyle or metabolic issues that make it impossible to tease out the specific role that inactivity, on its own, plays in ill health.

S- Stay Active

T- Make Time To Exercise

A- Aquire A Fitness Membership That Specializes In Group Or Personal Training To Get Maximized Results

Y- Say Yes To Good Nutrition And Live A Healthier Lifestyle Now!




A- Eat More Apples Along With Many Other Good Fruits, Vegetables, And Berries

C- You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To

T- Take Juice Plus!

I- Utilization Of High-Intensity Workouts Is The Key To Accomplish Your Fitness Goals Sooner

V- Have A Good Vibe And Be Positive With Your Outlook On Life And Your Goals

E- Everything Is A Process! Be Patient, Work Hard, And Great Results Come To Those Who Persevere 🙂


How Staying Active Keeps Us Healthy 

NY Times Article


…So, to solve this problem, researchers lately have embraced a novel approach to studying the effects of inactivity. They’ve imposed the condition on people who otherwise would be out happily exercising and moving about, in some cases by sentencing them to bed rest. But in the current study, which was published this month in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the scientists created a more realistic version of inactivity by having their volunteers cut the number of steps they took each day by at least half. They wanted to determine whether this physical languor would affect the body’s ability to control blood sugar levels. “It’s increasingly clear that blood sugar spikes, especially after a meal, are bad for you,” says John P. Thyfault, an associate professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri, who conducted the study with his graduate student Catherine R. Mikus and others. “Spikes and swings in blood sugar after meals have been linked to the development of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.” So the scientists fitted their volunteers with sophisticated glucose monitoring devices, which checked their blood sugar levels continuously throughout the day. They also gave the subjects pedometers and activity-measuring armbands, to track exercise guidelines from the American Heart Association and other groups recommend that, for health purposes, people accumulate 10,000 steps or more a day, the equivalent of about five miles of walking. Few people do, however. Repeated studies of American adults have shown that a majority take fewer than 5,000 steps per day. The Missouri volunteers were atypical in that regard. Each exercised 30 minutes or so most days and easily completed more than 10,000 daily steps during the first three days of the experiment. The average was almost 13,000 steps. During these three days, according to data from their glucose monitors, the volunteers’ blood sugar did not spike after they ate. But that estimable condition changed during the second portion of the experiment, when the volunteers were told to cut back on activity so that their step counts would fall below 5,000 a day for the next three days. Achieving such indolence was easy enough. The volunteers stopped exercising and, at every opportunity, took the elevator, not the stairs, or had lunch delivered, instead of strolling to a cafe. They became, essentially, typical American adults. Their average step counts fell to barely 4,300 during the three days, and the volunteers reported that they now “exercised,” on average, about three minutes a day.

Meanwhile, they ate exactly the same meals and snacks as they had in the preceding three days, so that any changes in blood sugar levels would not be a result of eating fattier or sweeter meals than before. And there were changes during the three days of inactivity. Volunteers’ blood sugar levels spiked significantly after meals, with the peaks increasing by about 26 percent compared with when the volunteers were exercising and moving more. What’s more, the peaks grew slightly with each successive day. This change in blood sugar control after meals “occurred well before we could see any changes in fitness or adiposity,” or fat buildup, due to the reduced activity, Dr. Thyfault says. So the blood sugar swings would seem to be a result, directly, of the volunteers not moving much. Which is both distressing and encouraging news. “People immediately think, ‘So what happens if I get hurt or really busy, or for some other reason just can’t work out for awhile?’” Dr. Thyfault says. “The answer seems to be that it shouldn’t be a big problem.” Studies in both humans and animals have found that blood sugar regulation quickly returns to normal once activity resumes. The spikes during inactivity are natural, after all, even inevitable, given that unused muscles need less fuel and so draw less sugar from the blood. The condition becomes a serious concern, Dr. Thyfault says, only when inactivity is lingering, when it becomes the body’s default condition. “We hypothesize that, over time, inactivity creates the physiological conditions that produce chronic disease,” like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, regardless of a person’s weight or diet. To avoid that fate, he says, keep moving, even if in small doses. “When I’m really busy, I make sure to get up and walk around the office or jog in place every hour or so,” he says. Wear a pedometer if it will nudge you to move more. “You don’t have to run marathons,” he says. “But the evidence is clear that you do need to move.”

These days people are always looking for the easy way out and once things get tough they usually quit or move in another direction in life. An individual will not really get anywhere unless they become established and put the time in to get things done. If you keep changing things throughout your life with fitness and nutrition and not sticking to the program it will be very difficult to accomplish your goals. As we move 6 months into 2012 ask yourself how your new year’s resolutions are going if you have really stuck to them or not. It’s never too late to get the right nutrition and fitness plan started.

Contact me HERE for any questions about how to ‘Jumpstart’ your nutrition and training plans! If you have any questions regarding personal training, one-on-one rowing help, or Ironman Triathlon Training you can reach me here and we can work on a training plan together.


Do I feel passionate about this product? Yes! Here’s why.

Each morning I put a scoopful of Juice Plus+ Complete® into my fruit and yogurt smoothie. Every day I take my Fruit and Veggie Juice Plus+® Capsules, and dole out Juice Plus+® to our kids in the form of chewables (soft) and capsules according to their age and taste. Then I go to my office and recommend the Juice Plus+® Children’s Health Study to the families in my pediatric practice.

In April of 1997 I underwent major surgery for colon cancer, followed by a long course of radiation and chemotherapy. Realizing that colon cancer, and all major diseases for that matter, are influenced by diet, I was determined not to let my medical problem repeat itself. So I began devouring medical literature on the connection between diet and health. During the year following my surgery, I read volumes about nutrition, subscribed to every nutrition journal I could find, put together a collection of over 500 file folders about food, and became what my friends tagged a “health nut.” About three months into my new style of eating I noticed some amazing changes. My energy level skyrocketed, prompting my wife Martha to call me “Zip.” We stepped up our ballroom dancing and even beat some of the younger couples in the swing contest. My mind was working better, too. I just plain felt good all over – mind and body – and finally learned what it is to experience real well-being. Too bad I had to get sick in order to learn to eat right instead of eating right to keep from getting sick.

Why was I feeling so good? The answer seemed clear: I was putting the right fuel into my body that made it run better. At that time – as a father of eight, author of 28 books, and a pediatrician at the peak of his career – I was going to do everything I could to keep my health up and not let the cancer reoccur. Talk about motivation! During my quests for what constitutes good health I devoured books and articles about supplements and discovered that one of the secrets of good health is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain thousands of disease-fighting chemicals called “phytonutrients.” I call them “phytos” for short. The same phytos that help keep the plants healthy help keep our bodies healthy. Even thousands of years ago Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine.” As I studied the parade of supplements out there, I concluded that whatever supplement I take must have good science and make good sense.

That’s how I came across Juice Plus+®. It had good science behind it and made good sense – a whole food based supplement! Whole foods, a bunch of the healthiest fruits and vegetables, juiced and dried at low temperatures, removing the water and most of the sugar, salt and bulk. These nutritious juice powders are then put into capsules and chewables! Intrigued by this concept of packaged phytos, I realized that my life depended upon eating the right foods and taking the right supplements. So, I did my life-saving detective work. While visiting the company where Juice Plus+® is made I saw firsthand the care and quality that went into this product. In examining their independent research I discovered that researchers had measured the blood levels and found that disease-fighting “phytos” go way up after taking Juice Plus+® – and they had published their results in a peer-reviewed medical journal. This was a vital discovery since it’s not what’s on the package label that’s important, it’s how much gets into the body. Finally I grilled the company executives. They were honorable people. The combination of good science, good sense, and a reputable company convinced me that this would be my supplement of choice.

Since taking Juice Plus+® daily and following an overall healthy eating and exercise program I have not even had so much as a cold, even though my wonderful little patients share their germs with me everyday. The parents of children who are sick a lot often thank me: “Since my children have been taking Juice Plus+® they haven’t been sick as often.” Juice Plus+® is now the only whole food based supplement I take. I’m pleased to recommend the joy of taking Juice Plus+® to everyone who takes their health seriously.

To order Juice Plus+® capsules or any other Juice Plus+® product, click here.

Do your children get sick all the time?

Do you frequently feel tired and run-down?

Is it nearly impossible to get your children to eat fruits and vegetables?

Are you lacking the recommended 7-13 servings of raw fruits and vegetables each day?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then Juice Plus+® is extremely important for you and your family.

For many years the National Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and every other national health association has emphasized the importance of eating at least five servings of raw fruits and vegetables every day. The health benefits of this are numerous, including:

  • Protection against cancer
  • Stronger immune system
  • Prevention of chronic illness
  • Protection against heart disease
  • Slows down the effects of aging

These benefits are not only due to vitamins and minerals, but also from the enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber contained within the raw fruits and vegetables. There are many more potential benefits of these nutrients such as improved intellectual function, better eyesight, and increased energy level. In short, our bodies simply function more efficiently.

How many of us actually eat 7-13 servings of raw fruits and vegetables every day? Some Americans may eat an orange with breakfast and maybe an apple with lunch. We are pretty good at making sure we finish our one or two cooked vegetables at dinnertime. However, virtually all of us fall far short of the quantity of fruits and vegetables we need to protect us from cancer, chronic disease, infection, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Very few of us are receiving the nutrition required to help our bodies run smoothly and efficiently and to maximize our potential for a healthy life.

It is difficult to get adults to consume their share of fruits and vegetables, but trying to coax children – from toddlerhood through the teenage years – to eat enough of them is nearly impossible. Many parents worry about their two-year-old who barely seems to eat anything at all or about their busy teenager-on-the-go who doesn’t even sit down to eat. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables can maximize the physical and intellectual development of our children as they grow through the school-age years.

What is Juice Plus+®? Juice Plus+® is more than extra vitamins and minerals. It is actually a whole food based supplement. The fruit capsules are made from apples, oranges, pineapples, cranberries, peaches, cherries, papayas. The vegetable capsules are made from carrots, parsley, beets, kale, broccoli, cabbage, oat bran, rice bran, spinach, and tomatoes.

How is Juice Plus+® made? The fresh fruits and vegetables are juiced, then dehydrated to a powder form. It’s carefully tested to ensure no pesticides or other contaminants are present in the product. It is never exposed to high temperatures that would destroy the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables. Most of the vitamins, minerals, active plant enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber are preserved in the final capsules. When re-hydrated with water, the nutrients are absorbed into our bodies as if we had eaten the fruits and vegetables whole.

Is Juice Plus+® as good as eating fruits and vegetables? There’s no complete substitute for eating the real thing. But how many people actually eat such a wide variety of raw fruits, vegetables and grains every single day? Juice Plus+® is a convenient way to ensure you and your family get all the benefits over time from adding more nutrition from fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

But my child already takes a multi-vitamin. Why does she need Juice Plus+®? Juice Plus+® is not a vitamin supplement which contain, at best, only a small number of pre-selected antioxidants. It is a whole food based supplement containing nutrition from the thousands of antioxidants and other nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Some children may need vitamin supplementation, but every child needs Juice Plus+®.

Is there any scientific proof that Juice Plus+® really works? To my knowledge, no other nutritional product in history has been subjected to as rigorous scientific investigations as Juice Plus+®, which has been investigated by scores of scientists at leading hospitals and universities all over the world. The results of 12 such studies have already been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals – and numerous other studies are currently underway. The published studies indicate that Juice Plus+® delivers key antioxidants that are absorbed by the body, reduces oxidative stress, promotes cardiovascular wellness in several ways, helps support a healthy immune system, and helps protect DNA.

This all may sound complicated, but the simple truth is that Juice Plus+® is the best way to get your entire family to reap more of the healthful benefits of a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables. Juice Plus+® comes in two forms:

  • capsules: adults or children
  • chewables: adults or children

To Your Good Health,

Dr. Bill, Dr. Bob, and Dr. Jim

To order Juice Plus+ capsules or any other Juice Plus+ product, click Here

Cycle, Row, And Ski Your Way Through Ironman Competition Training

On November 25th 2012 I will be participating in my 3rd Full Distance Ironman in Cozumel, Mexico. After a brief rest from completing two international Ironman competitions in 2008 Nice, France and 2009 Florianopolis, Brazil I wanted something to train for again in order to keep driving myself into competition.

Secrets On How To Select The Best Music For Your Indoor Cycling Classes

While teaching indoor cycling classes over the past 10 years I have come to the conclusion that the beats and character of the music that an instructor plays in class is the single most important part of a cycling session. Without the beat I am lost and so are the members in class. The beats of the music will allow you to coach a rhythm that will ultimately design the ride throughout the hour-long class. A fast beat will take you into a sprint while a slower beat might have you into a seated and/or standing hill climb. I’m often asked how I find the music for all of my cycling classes. Ever since I traveled to Nice, France to compete in the 2008 Ironman I found myself falling in love with dance music and house music. This type of music combined with lyrics is the new way people are listening to music. In the United States it is becoming the hottest phenomenon ever since hip hop hit the stage more than 20 years ago. I love music and cycling so much that I never find it to be a chore when searching for new ways to guide my members in class with new sounds and beats. In any given day I will go to Radio Metro (Australian House Music Online Station) and put on my headphones and just listen to the beats and pick up what I like to play. Music set play-lists that some world class DJ’s around the world have mixed together can also be a great way to keep your class going and make the hour long class seem like it’s flying by. However, make sure that you are taking some rest throughout the play-lists because it’s easy to get caught up and burn out when your only 20 minutes into the ride. I like 3-5 minute songs because it offers the best workout to rest ratio in between songs. Either way you will get the most energy out of your members while playing very high energetic electronic big room house music! If you don’t believe me then check out the latest news in Forbes Magazine this past month about the rise of house music as well as one of my favorite DJ’s and the #1 DJ in America right now: Kaskade!

How To Setup And Layout Your EVO Indoor Cycling Studio

Start Your Own Evo Indoor Cycling Studio 

Have you thought about opening your own Indoor Cycling Studio? The Relay Fitness Group and Jack Nunn can help. Even if you already own a cycling, yoga, and or fitness studio we have the resources to better streamline your business while reducing costs and building class sizes at the same time! Relay Fitness has proven solutions and a quality brand with the Evo Indoor Cycling Bike that will simply improve your profit without all the maintenance of traditional indoor bikes. If you’ve instructed a cycling class for any amount of time, you’ve probably run into a situation where one of your indoor cycles was out of commission due to a faulty component. If your class is full, that missing bike means one less person enjoying your killer indoor cycling session!

How To Warm Up And Cool Down With Your Indoor Cycling Classs

Cycling instructors must know that throughout any workout there must be a warm up and cool down phase of every indoor cycling class. Novice cyclists who are new to the indoor cycling program are notorious for not warming up before rides or cooling down and stretching afterwards. It’s easy to jump on a bike in class and start off class with intense riding however when you limit or rush your warm up it can cause injuries, sore leg muscles, and make you feel short of breath throughout the ride. Warming up and cooling down will improve your performance on the bike and reduce the risk of injury.

How To Retain Indoor Cycling Clients

Many fitness club owners think that simply getting new members is the most important aspect when it comes to marketing. However did you know that you can nearly double your income per member simply focusing on retaining the members you already have and encouraging them to invest in effective nutritional products or services that you sell?

Retaining your existing members instead of trying to obtain new members is very important when it comes to being a successful cycling program. I personally use a ‘Fitness & Nutrition’ approach when it comes to accomplishing a clients personal health goals. Protein powders and whole food based concentrated food supplements added alongside a fitness routine can get your members to see their overall fitness and health goals come true sooner! Exceptional customer service involves more than just employing a friendly staff. You must consistently meet and exceed your clients’ needs. Survey your members periodically to make sure you are succeeding, and then develop a customer satisfaction package based on their feedback. Contact me here on more advice on hoe to address individual fitness needs and goals in order to provide an initial fitness assessment and extensive orientation to each of your members. The orientation shouldn’t be just a walk around the gym and locker room, but rather a comprehensive equipment and technique demonstration. This will prevent injuries and encourage members to use unfamiliar equipment.

Great Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Try

anti inflamThe Atkins Diet claimed to help individuals drop weight quickly by inordinate reduction of carbohydrates. The South Beach diet claimed to help shed 10 pounds in just one week by diet and intense exercise. While the Zone Diet looked to control an individuals insulin levels by limiting carbohydrates and balancing fats and proteins. Each diet fad made headlines, but medical experts agree: these quick-fix strategies rarely help for long-term weight control and health. While weight loss may be ideal for some individuals, other folks may want to improve their diet as well as lose weight over time. If reducing the risk of disease and increasing your overall health, an anti-inflammatory diet may seem like the best fit. Fruits and Vegetables and Anti-inflammatory diets contain the same proponents of most diets, except with a new tanti inflam 1wist. Compared to other diets, an anti-inflammatory focuses on adding foods that help reduce inflammation that can cause health risks. One of the main staples of this diet is fruits and veggies. As with most diets, fruits and veggies contain low sugar and trans fat levels and contain the vital proteins and fibers necessary to replenish and revitalize the body. Aim for high fiber fruits and vegetables, apples, papaya, broccoli, tomatoes, and kale. Fruits and veggies will keep you full, but also put a stop to high blood pressure, curb onset diabetes, and lower your risk of heart disease. Add some spice to your life: ginger, chili and even curry adds some spice and flavor to your foods; more importantly, spices also help reduce inflammation. Take some ginger, chili and even curry and add them to your dietary staples, i.e., chicken, meats and even pork products. If you feel daring, try adding these spices to non-meat products, including pastas, salads and even fruits. If you loathe the taste of hot spices, you can also try more tepid flavors to tone down the spicy factor, including mild sauces, peppers jp 8and even mild curry. Look for recipes to help incorporate mild and hot spices into your meals or visit an accredited college database online to learn new tricks. Fish, salmon and even sardines contain omega-3 nutrients that help curb inflammation. Nutrients aside, seafood also comes loaded with protein and is easy on the carbohydrates. With so much variety to select from, seafood makes for the perfect anti-inflammatory food to consume. Add in some veggies and some spices to the pot and you have yourself a triple threat of anti-inflammatory foods. Herbalists continue to rave about teas natural ability to grant essential nutrients and supplements to help the body recover and reduce inflammation. Green, white, and Oolong tea may be the best choices for fighting inflammation. When mixed together with anti-oxidants and nutrients this makes tea the perfect compliment to any meal. Whether you drink tea hot or cold, look to add it to your meals at least 4-5 times per week.

The Dilemma Of Managing The Highs And Lows Of Fitness Training

Growing up with a father who was a two-time U.S. Olympian in Rowing (68′ Mexico City Olympic Bronze Medalist and 76′ Montreal Olympic Men’s Rowing Coach) was a very interesting experience. I thought it was normal routine workout and it made sense that my father would go out for a 3-hour workout and train 7 days a week. I didn’t really appreciate or even come close to understanding how truly hard and mentally tough it is to win an Olympic medal… let alone just to make the Olympic Team until I rowed and was recruited to row for UC Berkeley. All of a sudden I found myself the weakest and slowest rower on the team as we went on to win 3 National Championships and 4 PAC- 10 Championships in 4 years along with International rowers that were recruited from all over the world. It was my introduction to the next step of my rowing career as I rowed alongside recruited rowers from Sweden, Norway, Germany, England, Serbia, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and Croatia . I remember days where I would barely be awake during practice in the early mornings as I did not have enough time to recover in between practices. Our coaches made us do fitness tests every week to see how fast we could row 10,000 meters on the Concept 2 Rowing Machine. One year we accumulated 15 tests every week of 10,000 meters and about 10 fitness tests of 6,000 meters! My overall best Concept 2 times were 33 min 20 seconds for 10,000 meters (1:40 split avg) and a national team qualifying time of 19 min 2o seconds for the 6,000 meter test (1:36 split avg).

‘Hard’ vs ‘Easy’ Instructors And Group Fitness Classes At Roworx

Two years ago when I created Roworx in Long Beach it was my dream to offer a complete low impact high-calorie burn workout for everyone to enjoy no matter what experience an individual had in athletics. Recently I have had many new calls and emails regarding how ‘easy’ or ‘hard’ certain Roworx Classes were and what kinds of classes I thought would be best for people just starting out their new workout routine. Throughout my 20 years of experience as an athlete and rower I have found that nearly half of the general public I come in contact with and talk about my sport think that rowing is relatively ‘easy’ and discuss the perception that rowing is a total upper body workout. However, in reality, the power behind the rowing stroke is driven through your legs (about %80) and then the rest throughout the entire body. Rowing is actually one of the hardest, if not the hardest cardiovascular demanding sport that you can do on the planet. For instance, the standard Olympic distance for a rowing race is 2,000 meters (just over a mile). The standard U.S. Men’s Heavyweight Olympic Team time for rowing a 2,000 meter piece on the Concept 2 rowing machine is around 5 min :55 seconds (1:28 500 split avg or around 500 watts)! Out of all the Roworx Classes we have to offer such as Rowing, Bootcamp, Zumba, Evo Indoor Cycling, TRX Suspension Training, Pilates Arc Ab Exercises and the Ski Erg Training along with any other activity that you choose to do is as hard as you want to make it. es,Since you are the one that is participating in the activity it is also up to yourself to push as hard as you want. I always tell everyone in class at Roworx that if you can hold your body-weight in watts on the Concept 2 monitor then that is a great goal. Once you have hit your body-weight in watts you can then try and double your body-weight and so on.


Address | 5750 Boathouse Lane, Long Beach
Telephone | (562) 688-1716
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Red Ace Organics | 20% Off Code: Roworx
Kramp Krushers | 20% Off Code: Roworx
Rudy Project | 50% Off Code: Roworx
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Triathlon Lab